WP Malay-Muslim MP Supports Wear White
The Wear White campaign got a ringing endorsement from Workers Party MP Faisal Abdul Manap! His photo was uploaded on the Wear White Facebook page with him standing beside another Wear White supporter....
View ArticleApply 377A on gay “Muslims”
Since the launch of the Wear White campaign, there has been many stubborn Muslims who still support Pink Dot and attack the Wear White movement. I wrote before in a previous article that these Muslims...
View ArticleMan Sexually Abused 12-year-old Boy at Children’s Home
The accused, who cannot be named due to a gag order, pleaded guilty last month to having oral sex with the victim outside a toilet cubicle at the children’s home in June last year. Both were then...
View ArticleLATEST: Chinese Man Call Malays “Stupid and Poor”, “Extremist”
Thanks to a vigilant Singaporean, Rilek1Corner was alerted again on another racist and offensive comment by a male Chinese who goes by the name of ‘Issac Teck Shuean‘. Issac who stated on his Facebook...
View ArticleUstaz Noor Deros: Changing For The Better Through Islam First
For every Muslim who wants to change for the better, let us come to Islam first, for Allah have already provided a complete life transformation program, no, I am not talking about the Islamised modern...
View ArticleUstaz Noor Deros: Mengapa Tiada Palestine Dalam Google Maps?
Sedang kita sibuk cari pokemon, Google telah hilangkan nama Palestine dari Mapsnya dan menggantikannya dengan nama Israel. Sila cari di Google maps. Ini pengumuman mereka bahawa tak lama lagi...
View ArticleUstaz Noor Deros: Yang Manis Jangan Terus Ditelan, Yang Pahit Jangan Terus...
Dulu saya menganggap beberapa ahli ilmu sebagai sombong, kerana kelihatannya mereka berdegil/berkeras dengan pandangan mereka. Tetapi akhirnya saya faham bahawa betapa pentingnya untuk jujur dengan...
View ArticleNoor Deros: Apakah Islam Itu Setakat Nila-Nilai Yang Baik?
Nabi datang bawa lebih dari nilai (values) dan akhlaq, Nabi datang bawa nilai terbaik antara yang baik dan yang baik antara yang nampak macam baik, Nabi datang bawa penyempurna akhlaq (لأتمم مكارم...
View ArticleIntrinsic Value: Gold & Silver VS Cryptocurrencies
Where lies the intrinsic value (IV) of gold & silver? Natural Desirability, the desire for it is embedded in the nature of man, therefore, it will never lose value. Refer to Quran 3:14, & also...
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